August 2015 Client Highlights

Here are the highlights for August, Boom!


#‎limitlesscrew‬ vet Greg is continuing his weight loss journey with now over 25lbs lost in the last 8 weeks!
He’s also now at a lean 12% bodyfat, incredible work!

11898573_1119417298088361_6572002464260801244_nDebbie and Tricia, a ‪#‎limitlesscrew‬ power pair, just chopped over a full minute off of their duo cardio circuit in less than two months! I’m super proud of their consistent effort here each week and it’s definitely paying off!

11951761_1123368097693281_5113168552519035498_nQuick lunch break/sweat break workout for local company Pacific Eagle Electric today! What a way to break up the workday and get fitter, happier employees in the process!

I can’t wait to see what September brings, keep it up #limitlesscrew!

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