10 Year Anniversary!

Ten years ago today, Limitless Personal Training first opened its doors, originally as Limitless Specialized Core Fitness. After a name change and multiple location changes, we’ve been settled in the current location in Rohnert Park for the last 5 years.

Opening this studio ten years ago was a surreal experience and wouldn’t have been possible without all of the support from family and friends. Reflecting back on this time in my life, it’s interesting to think about the relationship between adversity and breaking new ground. This was a pretty tumultuous time in my life having gone through a breakup a few months prior, competing in jiujitsu seemingly every other weekend, and suffering a collapsed lung in a freak competition accident. I was in and out of the E.R. for a week or so and several more in recovery. This turned out to leave me with not much to do other than work on my Limitless business plans, and so, what seemed like a setback turned into a moment that really propelled my life forward professionally.

No doubt I’ve learned a lot when it comes to training clients in the last ten years. Looking back I feel like my skills were so much more rudimentary, from communication to business skills, even my understanding of training the body and nutrition have evolved immensely. I am a firm believer that if you’re not at least somewhat embarrassed by the version of you from ten years ago then that just means you’re not growing enough.

I’ve met so many people through Limitless. Some for only a week or two and many I still work with today several years later. I am always grateful that people decide to spend their time and money with me and all I can do in return is give as much value back as possible. Here’s to the next ten years!

Jiu-jitsu Private Lessons Available

Though I’ve been teaching private lessons in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for close to a decade now and for a couple years right here on site at Limitless, I might as well make the availability public in case you didn’t know!

The sport and self-defense art of jiu-jitsu has been another big passion of mine for a long time now, as a black belt for several years. I also love teaching and helping people so it’s a natural progression to get more into private lessons (I also have been consistently teaching classes to all levels at Esteem BJJ in Petaluma for over a decade now). Whether you’re completely new to the art or have been training several years I would love to help you deepen your understanding and build upon your skillset. Plenty of experience in gi, nogi, and self defense tactics and techniques!

Limitless is equipped with a small mat space( around 8’x12′) perfect for one on one instruction or, even better in my opinion, coming in with a friend as a duo to maximize your learning perspective.

Feel free to contact Limitless with any questions!

2020 Vision on Goals

Last week I was invited to speak at the Santa Rosa JC on the topic of goal setting to a class of around 40 students.
We covered subjects such as:
-How to refine your goals for maximum effectiveness (SMART)
-How to add “process goals” to guide you to your aimed result.
-Advanced motivation techniques for the inconsistent.
-Fitness myths such as spot reduction and more cardio equalling more fat loss.

I also got to demonstrate some sweet jiu jitsu chokes at the end to everyone’s fascination. I wish I took this class when I was in school!
It was a rush to step out of my comfort zone for a moment.

If you want to come in for a consultation and work on goals for yourself this year call, text, or email today!

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Client Spotlight: Rosie S.

Fear not, Limitless finally has a new blog post and it is well worth the wait!

Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 3.17.40 PM I’m pretty excited about this long awaited Client Spotlight. Rosie is as deserving of acknowledgment for her achievements at Limitless as any client here has ever been.
This recent mother of two boys (at the time) began dabbling in fitness at Limitless in 2014 after training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for about a year or so. In early 2015, when we moved locations, she began taking her fitness more seriously. It wasn’t until she tore her ACL in Jiu Jitsu at the end of 2015 and needed surgery that her fitness dedication upleveled big time.

While being unable to train on the mats anymore, Rosie decided to double down on her fitness and focus on coming back stronger than ever.  It was then that we consistently met three times a week with a blend of heavy strength work to build muscle and intense circuit training to increase cardio, improve athleticism, and burn fat. Alternating upper body and lower body focus each day with plenty of direct core work, which is her favorite. She has barely missed a workout since!

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If I had to describe the biggest factor within Rosie that has allowed her to reach the level of fitness that she is currently operating at, it would be her consistent focus. As we all probably know, it’s easy for a lot of people to get excited and pumped about starting something positive like a new workout regimen. The rare attribute that separates the high achievers from the average is consistency. That means showing up even when you don’t feel like it, during the good days and the bad. It requires you to be so driven towards the idealistic goal version of yourself that little things (or even big things) that would break other people’s habits will leave you unfazed and even refocused. I appreciate this in Rosie because I attribute a lot of my own personal achievement in fitness and beyond to the same personal quality, consistency.


Rosie has fully recovered from knee surgery and has been able to workout and train Jiu Jitsu at 100% for over a year now. She is indeed stronger than ever. Screen Shot 2017-11-29 at 3.18.33 PM
Besides being a great friend of mine now, Rosie is also just an awesome walking billboard for this studio because of the body she has built and the enthusiasm she has for heath and fitness. She can be found on her social media accounts spreading her messages of self improvement, positivity, and loves of fitness and Jiu Jitsu.…or of course on the mat or in the gym!
IG: @rosestrattonbjj


Client Spotlight: Greg B.

Client highlights are finally back at Limitess with the new Client Spotlight!
The first Client Spotlight is on Greg B.

Greg received Limitless Client of The Month way back in December 2013, which was when he graduated from the police academy. Following graduation he took a workout hiatus to focus on an SF academy and starting work as part of the SFPD.
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He has always been a hard worker but it was in June 2015 when he decided he needed to make big changes. His workouts were as hard and grueling as ever but his body was very stubborn when it came to losing weight. So we did a complete overhaul of his diet to see real change on the scale. We focused on a few main changes: No more bagels, no more processed sugar, and no more junk food. We added protein bars with minimal sugar and emphasized healthy meals including lean chicken, brown rice, and broccoli.

There was no doubting the results that followed. One month later, in July, Greg had lost 15.4lbs! bringing his weight from 211.4 to 196.0lbs. The next month he lost over 10 additional pounds, and another 8 the following month.

At the end of 2015, Greg reached a bodyweight of 171lbs, bring his total weight loss to over 40lbs in 6 months! (This also included over 10% decrease in body fat percentage AND 7in lost around his waist)Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 8.42.22 PM

Now at a much more comfortable weight, Greg has been focusing on strength training. Chest dips and pull-ups used to be far fetched dreams for Greg but now he reps Chest dips out with 40 additional pounds around his waist (coincidentally the same amount that he lost), he also can do 5 pull-ups and counting with 15 additional pounds on his waist.

His absolute lifts have also improved dramatically with an impressive 245lbs (and growing) barbell squat for 10 reps and he can bench press his own body weight for reps now as well.Screen Shot 2016-04-02 at 8.34.32 PM

I am impressed and inspired by Greg’s work ethic as well as his dedication when it comes to continuing his clean diet. He is great at pushing himself and I am excited to see where he goes from here.
Don’t be surprised if Greg is featured for a third time here at Limitless in the future!

September/October 2015 Client Highlights

A lot of busyness the last couple months but here we are with the client highlights for September and October.

Good work, crew!

10505555_1131929853503772_833104248299811844_nJoy broke an astounding 5 records in her 30 minute workout today! Including 35% improvements in her max burpees and max pushups, and big increases in her max plank hold and squats!  Way to push yourself today Joy!


Rosie gets some ab strengthening in while her son helps out!12108948_1147569778606446_6816288270922749288_n



Way to go Ryan, that’s 225lbs he’s deadlifting for 10 reps! Ryan started with a 135lb deadlift max 13 weeks ago in July.  His goal is to pack on lean weight and overall strength, I’d say a 90lb increase in his deadlift is a great start!



Dermot has broken through his long-standing bench press barrier, setting a new record with more weight and reps! Awesome!



After about 8 months at this location, Limitless is now officially settled in.  The location is no longer a secret for a select few!


Great stuff! November is already looking good so check back next month for the inside scoop!

August 2015 Client Highlights

Here are the highlights for August, Boom!


#‎limitlesscrew‬ vet Greg is continuing his weight loss journey with now over 25lbs lost in the last 8 weeks!
He’s also now at a lean 12% bodyfat, incredible work!

11898573_1119417298088361_6572002464260801244_nDebbie and Tricia, a ‪#‎limitlesscrew‬ power pair, just chopped over a full minute off of their duo cardio circuit in less than two months! I’m super proud of their consistent effort here each week and it’s definitely paying off!

11951761_1123368097693281_5113168552519035498_nQuick lunch break/sweat break workout for local company Pacific Eagle Electric today! What a way to break up the workday and get fitter, happier employees in the process!

I can’t wait to see what September brings, keep it up #limitlesscrew!

July 2015 Client Highlights

What a great month for Limitless and the Limitless crew!  Here are some of the highlights:

Allie achieved a new record on her gut-busting core circuit.  Breaking her record from 3 weeks ago by an entire 4 minutes!
On a side note, Allie also achieved her longtime goal of completing an unassisted chin up! Way to go!

It was a family affair at Limitless, with a 3 1/2 pack of clients.  Great work to the Hardens!




New member of the ‪Limitless crew, Veronica, increased her max burpees in 1min by 20% in 3 weeks!  Look for more big improvements from Veronica in the near future with her continuing hard work!

In 6 months, ‪limitless crew member Allie has gone from being able to complete a respectable 23 full pushups in one minute to now hammering out nearly TWICE that amount (42) in the same minute WITH her feet raised 2ft above the floor!

Great performances this month but I have a feeling that August will be bring even more awesomeness!

June 2015 Client Highlights

Lots of progress was made by the Limitless Crew this month!  Check out some highlights:


11393200_1075499499146808_1979823713085169350_nRyan brought his son, Camden, with him for a fun father/son conditioning session to start off his summer vacation!


11401001_1076085099088248_6659107293880536706_nAfter three full weeks of training here, John increased his max deadlift to 225lbs x 10reps (up 60lbs) and increased his dumbbell standing press to 50lbers x 10reps (up 15 lbs each arm).



Longtime client Josh increased his 210479542_1080345965328828_8439935223918212528_n rep max on bench press by 40lbs since this February!



1511289_1081988215164603_2299165692663489210_nBryan more than tripled the amount of push ups he could do in less than 6 weeks!



Greg lost over 10 lbs this month!  11225747_1086805761349515_5200026046291439130_nBy making a few changes to his diet to compliment his intense circuit training, he is way closer to his goals!


Keep up the great work Limitless Crew, next month we’ll see what the females at Limitless can do!

New Year, New Location!

At last the chaos of constructing, deconstructing and moving has slowed down enough for me to let the rest of the world know that Limitless has changed locations!  So if we’ve been out of contact for a while and you’ve driven by the old location horrified that Limitless looked to be no more, don’t worry!  We aren’t going anywhere!  (Well, except for our new location)

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No longer at the north end of Petaluma, we are now right in the heart of it.  Across from whole foods on East Washington street is our new spot.  Street and building signs will be up very soon and I am very excited at the opportunities that this new location will bring with it.

So if you haven’t checked out the new spot yet, come on by and say hi!