Welcome 2015!

new-years-confettiHappy end of 2014 everyone, and what a year it was.

Most definitely this second year of business for Limitless has been a year of growth for me, both personally and professionally. The amount that I have been forced to learn and adapt to as a fitness trainer and especially as a business owner and entrepreneur has been great but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love it because as I look back, it is apparent just how far I’ve come. It excites me imagining where I will be and what I will feel like next year when I look back on 2015.

Limitless has matured substantially since 2013. It has developed from a dream, to a passion project, to now, a real business. Like I am all grown up or something. I have met numerous new people through Limitless this last year and I am eternally thankful for the clients who are still going strong since 2013 (each of which have achieved Client of The Month recognition I believe).

new-years-resolutionsTo everyone thinking about New Years resolutions, I invite you to resolve to invest in yourself in 2015. Not necessarily with money, but investing with time. It can be easy to get caught up in life and neglect you’re own health and well being. So pick up a book and start building a regular habit of reading. Get off that chair, pump out some pushups and squats once or twice a day. Change is always difficult and/or painful at first but the good news about building new habits is that the more you do them, the easier it is to keep them up!

Thank you for your support and I hope your 2015 is full of growth and prosperity!
